Thursday, December 1, 2011

Goodbye for a while

I hope you enjoyed the pictures from Easter Island! It was an unforgettable weekend. I'm leaving in a few hours for what will be an unforgettable 2 weeks: Patagonia! I'll spend a few days on the chilean side and then hop the border over to Argentina. I took my last final today and can't believe this trip is actually happening. My friend Ben and I have been talking about it since we realized we were studying in the same place...that was in March-ish. Here are some random pictures of what I've been doing these past few weeks:

Thanksgiving potluck!

Ice cream and Breaking Dawn with Katie and Lauren. Is that American enough?

Me at my metro stop

Dinner with Maria and her family. Maria and I were in choir together in high school and she lives here now! 

Now, to Torres del Paine, El Chalten, El Calafate, and Ushuaia I go!

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