Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Hiking above the smog

Este fin de semana fui trekking con mis amigos Paul y Seth. La Reina, la comuna al sur de Las Condes, tiene un parque con canchas de tenis, futbol, rugby, muchos caballos, y senderos. Caminamos por un sendero que nos dio buenas vistas de la ciudad, bueno, casi buenas. Había tanto smog el sábado, terrible. Lo peor que yo he visto en seis semanas. Yo casi no quería tomar fotos pero luego me acordé que podía escribir sobre el smog aquí! Así es la vida de una blogger, no?

Yeah, Paul decided to call the smog "mist" to make himself feel better.

We were above the smog...for a few hours.

This weekend I went hiking with my friends Paul and Seth. La Reina, a neighborhood to the south of Las Condes, has a park with tennis, soccer, and rugby fields, a lot of horses, and trails. We took a trail that gave us great views of the city, well, almost great. There was so much smog saturday, horrible. The worst I've seen in six weeks. I almost didn't take any pictures but then I remembered I could write about the smog here! So is the life of a blogger, no?

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