Friday, October 21, 2011

Chiloe Day 2 Part 2

Entonces, el tour terminó pero no las aventuras. Cuando regresamos a Castro, visitamos la iglesia allá en la plaza. De nuevo, esta iglesia era maravillosa. Todo hecho de madera y todo muy impresionante. Luego paramos a la feria artesanal para comprar unas cosas que más tarde dejamos en el restaurante. Hablando, del restaurante donde cenamos…muy raro. En un sábado, cerró a las ocho (por lo general, abren a las ocho acá), no había nadie comiendo allá y probamos el curanto. Ahora, Sylvia me había dicho que tenemos que comer el curanto en Chiloé. Así que lo hicimos. O, intentamos. Demasiada comida. Este plato lleva mariscos (como 30), carne, ave, papas, y no sé que mas. No podía identificar todo.  

Yeah, I wasn't really feeling it.

This was in a church near the National Park. It was just down the street where we ate the empanadas. But, you find these in every church in Chiloe.

So, our tour finished but not the adventures. When we returned to Castro, we visited the church in the plaza. Again, it was incredible. Everything made from wood and everything very impressive. Then we stopped at the artisan fair to buy some things that we later left at a restaurant. Speaking of the restaurant where we had dinner...very strange. On a Saturday, it closed at 8 (usually restaurants open at 8 here for dinner), no one else was eating there and we tried curanto. Now, Sylvia had told me that we have to eat curanto in Chiloe. So we did. Or, we tried. Too much food. This plate had shellfish (like 30), beef, poultry, potatoes, and I don’t know what else. I couldn’t identify all of it. 

Artisan Fair in Castro

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