Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Assorted news

I promise this lack of posting stops today! I'm a bit pressed for time at the moment so this post will only be in English. Most importantly, my mom comes on Friday!! We will be going to Chiloe this weekend and San Pedro de Atacama the next. I'm going to let her do all the talking.

Just kidding. I can't believe I'm going to get to see her so I'm going to try to teach her as much about chilean life as I can in about 10 days. We're going to eat meat, drink pisco, speak spanish, etc. Kidding again about the spanish.

In very unrelated news, my friend Ben (the one who takes the great pics) went to Easter Island the other weekend. When I saw his pictures I immediately thought, okay I'm going to write a post and just include a bunch of his national geographic-worth 'frozen moments' of this remote island (actually the most remote island). Enjoy:

I want to go to there. (30 Rock anyone?)

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