Friday, November 18, 2011

An Early Easter - Day 1

El fin de semana pasado fui a la Isla de Pascua. Voy a intentar describirla pero las fotos son la mejor manera. Llegamos el viernes con muchos viejitos, jaja. Bueno, ellos tienen el tiempo y la plata. El dueño del hostal nos recogió del aeropuerto con guirnaldas en mano. Una buena manera empezar un fin de semana.
People were grilling on the street everywhere.

Just in the middle of the city. No big deal.

Start of the swimming competition.

 Después del almuerzo de una empanada (la cosa mas barata en la isla) y jugo de guayaba (increíble) caminamos por la ciudad, Hanga Roa y encontramos una festival. Nos damos cuenta de que fue el festival de la lengua, rapa nui, y por eso, había muchos espectáculos y competiciones tradicionales. Una buena sorpresa!

Arte rupestre, really old rock art

Close up video of the celebration. The fire in palm leaves on the ground is a traditional cooking method on the island. They were so nice and were giving food to everyone. I was walking away and someone called after me and had me try some purple sweet potatoes. They were delicious!

En las afueras de la ciudad, vimos nuestros primeros moai. Era impresionante cada vez que los veía.

 Last weekend I went to Easter Island. I'm going to try to describe it but the pictures are really the best way. We arrived friday with a lot of old people, haha. Well, they have the time and money. The owner of the hostel picked us up from the airport with leis in hand. A good start to the weekend.

After lunch of an empanada (the cheapest thing on the island) and guayaba juice (incredible) we walked around the city, Hanga Roa and came upon a festival. We realized that is was the Festival of their Language, Rapa Nui, and because of this, there were many shows and traditional competitions. A great surprise!

In the outskirts of the city, we saw our first moai. They were impressive every time I saw one. 

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