Friday, November 4, 2011

V for Valdivia

¡Gracias a un feriado nacional, teníamos un fin de semana largo! En realidad, todos de mis fines de semana están largos (solamente tengo clase martes y jueves), pero este estaba MUY largo. Fui a Valdivia y Pucón en el distrito de los lagos. Estas ciudades están cercas de la Isla de Chiloé donde fui con mi mama. ¡Me encanta esta parte de Chile!

Primero pasamos unos días en Valdivia, una ciudad que tiene mucha influencia alemana. Todo era muy tranquilo, conocimos a mucha gente genial al hostal, y relejamos explorando esta ciudad hermosa. Aquí están unas fotos.

Caminando al mercado de pescado. Walking to the fish market.

They pose very well.

Why the sea lions hang around here.

Halloween gets bigger every year.

This church has a red roof!

Tower from the Spanish colonization

Thanks to a national holiday, we just had a long weekend! Actually, all of my weekends are long (only have class Tuesday and Thursday), but this was very long. I went to Valdivia and Pucon in the Lake District. These cities are close to Chiloe Island where I went with my mom. I love this part of Chile!

First, we spent a few days in Valdivia, a city with a strong German influence. Everything was very relaxed, we met a lot of cool people at the hostel, and just took it easy exploring this beautiful city. Here are some pics.

View of the fish market from above

A lagoon of beautiful lillypads


Interesting sculpture garden by the lagoon

Botanical garden. This guy was obviously trying to get his picture taken.

Botanical garden #2

The rest of the crew: Lotta, Anna, and Aiman

We took a boat tour to Punacapa, a little village north of Valdivia.

On the 'lancha' (boat) from Niebla to Corral. Traveling by boat instead of bus is wonderful.

Corral. We visited an old Spanish fort (below) where the Spanish protected this area's gold from pirates.

It was an okay spot for a picnic

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