Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Easter Island Day 2 - Part 1

 El día siguente, arrendamos un auto para explorar la isla. Hay calles (una calle en realidad) que recorre la costa sur, la mayoría de la costa este, y el centro de la isla. No puedes recorrer la costa norte en auto así que hicimos una cabalgata después para ver esa parte! Empezamos en Orongo lo que estaba un pueblo ceremonial usado solamente durante unas semanas cada ano. Hay estas 'casas' hechas por piedras al lado del cráter inmenso. Es difícil entender la magnitud del cráter pero puedes caber cinco Estadios Nacionales en el fondo (el Estadio Nacional en Santiago tiene una capacidad de 500.000 personas). El cráter tiene un diámetro de 1,6 kilómetros.

The next day, we rented a car to explore the island. They are roads (one road really) that run along the southern coast, the majority of the eastern coast, and the middle of the island. You can't travel along the northern coast in a car so we saw it on horseback later! We started in Orongo which was a ceremonial village only used a few weeks per year. There are stone 'houses' next to an immense crater. It's hard to understand the magnitude of this crater but you can fit five National Stadiums of Chile in the bottom (the National Stadium has a capacity of 500,000 people). The crater's diameter is 1.6 km or 1 mile.

I hate it when people step the petroglyphs.

Continuamos por la costa sur hasta encontramos un lugar perfecto para almorzar (sandwhiches de jamos y queso. La comida es super cara en la isla). Durante todo el fin de semana, no podía creer el color del agua.

Pienso que hay mas caballos en la isla que gente. I think there are more horses on the island than people.

Katie getting the perfect shot.

Starfish (estrella del mar) UNDER water. The water was perfectly clear.

We continued along the southern coast until we found the perfect place to lunch (ham and cheese sandwiches. Food was super expensive). Throughout the whole weekend, I couldn't believe the color of the water.


Erizo de mar. Sea urchin

Katie and Lauren, my new friends from Wisconsin

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