Wednesday, November 2, 2011

San Pedro de Atacama

Para la segunda mitad del viaje con mi mama, fuimos al norte grande de Chile. San Pedro de Atacama es una ciudad chica muy cerca del desierto de Atacama, considerado el lugar más inhospitable del mundo. No me parecía muy mal. Durante nuestra visita, hicimos un tour de la Valle de la Luna/Muerte, los Geysers del Tatio, y un tour astrológico durante la noche. Aquí están unas fotos.

Valle de la Luna/Muerte:

 Before sunset

After sunset



Geysers del Tatio:

Keep in mind it is about 5 degrees F at this point.

After going to Yellowstone, we couldn't believe how close we could get. Right, grandma and grandpa?

For the second half of the trip with my mom, we went to Chile’s ‘big north’. San Pedro de Atacama is a small city very close to the Atacama Desert, considered the most inhospitable place on earth. Seemed pretty nice to me. During our visit, we did a tour of the Valley of the Moon/Death, the Geysers of Tatio, and an astrological tour at night. Here are some pics.

Cactus Forest:

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